This variety, present in Spain since 1910, owes its name to the shape of its lower part, which resembles that of a navel. Originally from Washington, the Navel is large, round and its colour, like its flavour, is intense.
The Navelina, like the Navel, has a navel at the bottom. It is one of the first to be harvested, around November each year. Slightly smaller and slightly more oval than the Navel, this orange is highly appreciated for its texture and sweet flavour.
From the name you will have deduced that this orange also has a navel. But there is more to it. Apart from its characteristic navel, this variety ripens later than the others.
Like the Late Navel, this variety is a mutation of its predecessor Navel. It was detected in Australia around 1950 and came to Spain in the 80s. It is a high-quality orange with a long harvesting period.
With a rounded rather than oval shape, this Navel variety is characterised by producing a high percentage of juice. Also native to Australia, the navel of the Barnfield is not usually visible from the outside.
This variety was discovered on Greg Chislett's Australian estate, it can be harvested up to three months later than Lane Late. Well into spring, you can still enjoy good orange juice.
Also originally from Australia, this variety of navel orange is quite late. Harvested in May, we can guarantee oranges practically all year round.
This variety of navel orange is the earliest of the season. In our experience it is available three to four weeks earlier than the navelina's harvest time.
Enjoying what is known as the winter fruit in summer is now possible with this variety of navel orange. First found in Cambria, South Africa, the Cambria closes the orange season.
This orange variety belongs to the Valencia group. Originally from l'Énova, in the region of La Terreta, the Salustiana is highly appreciated for its abundance of juice and its sweet flavour.
Also belonging to the Valencia group, this variety of orange, together with the Salustiana, is ideal for making juice. Sweet and seedless, it is the latest of all the orange varieties.
Also known as blood oranges, the main characteristic is its red colour on the inside, which is also visible on the rind. Discovered in 1929 in an orchard in Almenara, in Castellón, this variety is the most cultivated of this group.
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